Customer Feedback

What our customers say
About our service

Stacey, Derby

The quality of the services provided, the promptness and the professionalism with which MJ Cleaning honors its contractual obligations, we recommend this company.

Mark, Birmingham

We express our appreciation for the collaboration with MJ Cleaning as a provider of cleaning services due to the quality and efficiency of the services provided.

Anthony, Leicester

Thank you MJ Cleaning for your professionalism! 10 stars services, very nice and understanding staff, and the result is more than satisfactory. I recommend, I recommend, I recommend!

Have a complaint

Have a complaint?

We take any feedback and complaints regarding our cleaning services and cleaners very seriously. Please contact our customer service team at 01215171244 or fill up the form from the button bellow and provide details of the issue. We will address the issue as quickly as possible and do our best to ensure your satisfaction.
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